Tomorrow is ANZAC Day. I will be taking my 96 year , WWII veteran father to the 11am parade and service at Silverdale RSA, as I have done for many years.  The service will be predictable and even a bit boring, but it does serve to remind me of the sacrifice that many servicemen and women have given over the years so that we can live the lives that we do.

It is an example of taking some time to reflect on what you have and be grateful.  Whether you go to an ANZAC service or not, take the time to stop and think what you could be grateful for, even in the middle of the stress and frustration that you may be suffering on the job front.


Be grateful for an understanding partner. Be grateful for your children and how they try their hardest. Be grateful for your health. Be grateful for past customers and the faith they showed in you. Be grateful that we live in a wonderful country in a peaceful part of the world.  What else can you be grateful for?

Enjoy the day off and make the most of it.  Hopefully a bit of time reflecting on what you can be grateful for will help you handle life’s other challenges a bit easier. I know I will.

Andy Burrows –  The Trades Coach