Rapid Lead Generation Guide

In times of economic slowdown, the instinct for many businesses may be to tighten their belts and reduce spending, often cutting back on marketing efforts. However, it’s during these challenging periods that increasing marketing efforts becomes even more critical. When the economy is down and interest rates up, consumer confidence tends to waver, leading to decreased spending. In such an environment, staying top-of-mind with potential customers is vital. This guide gives you nine quick lead generation strategies to implement

Click on the image to download the guide.

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Recession Guide

Most business owners missed (or ignored) the warning signs of the current industry downturn and are now in various reactionary states. Some are in a reasonable position to weather the storm, as they have built up reserves during the past few years. Some aren’t so fortunate, as their businesses were in a weak state anyway and have little ability to adjust. This guide is designed to help you review your business, equipping you with new strategies and tactics to help you get through this downturn

Click on the image to download the guide.

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Show me the MONEY!

It’s a fact. Most businesses go out of business due to a lack of cash to meet their day-to-day requirements.

While it is great for the ego to have lots of sales coming in, a flash website and shiny vehicles, all that won’t amount to a hill of beans if you cannot consistently generate sufficient net profit and free cash flow to sustain the business.

Learn about the top five strategies for generating and retaining more cash in your business so that you can build a sustainable business for the long-term. One that will become a valuable asset and provide you with the kind of lifestyle that matches the effort and risk you put in. Click on the image to download the guide.

Recruit Top Talent and Retain Your Key Staff

You probably already know that finding good people with the right skills is difficult right now.

I’m assuming you don’t have a line of people outside your door begging for a job.

That’s why you need to be proactive and willing to try different ideas.


But you don’t have to go it alone. I’ve created this guide to help you. Click on the image to download the guide.

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The E-Myth Revisited

Starting a business of your own is just like joining a marathon race. You dream big while you’re on the starting line but as the race progresses you see a lot of fellow racers fall behind. Many are not able to endure the test of stamina and agility the race demands.

The same goes with small businesses worldwide. Only a few can reach the big dream. The majority simply fail no matter how much effort is put into the undertaking. Why is this so?

Michael Gerber reveals the answers in this book, “The E-Myth Revisited”. A summary of this iconic book about small business growth is on the right. The discussions revolve around the philosophies that could make or unmake the future of small businesses. These philosophies are: entrepreneurial myth (e-myth), the turn-key revolution and the business development process. Click on the image to download the guide.

Cash flow triage strategies

It’s Monday morning and you don’t have enough cash on hand to make Thursday’s payroll – What options do you have?

Cash flow crunches affect every business. Ideally, you can weather these crises by accessing a line of credit or revolving loan you’ve already set up with your bank or tapping into cash reserves you’ve put aside for such an occasion. But what can you do if you’ve failed to plan ahead? Here are 29 triage techniques to help get you through such an emergency. Click on the image to download the guide.

Tradies Risk Management Checklist

Download a copy of BuiltIn Insurance’s handy checklist of the major risk areas that builders and other tradies face in your business. Areas covered include:

  • Assets
  • Building site
  • H&S
  • Third party property
  • Legal and Contract
  • Financial
  • Personal and Family

Once you have run through this list, give BuiltIn a call and book in an insurance risk review. BuiltIn are an industry-specialist insurance brokerage and committed to helping owners lower their stress through better risk management. Click on the image to download the guide.

Hiring strategies in a tight labour market

If I could have earned a dollar for every time I heard the plea, “I can’t find decent staff”, I would be a wealthy man. There is no doubt that the current building boom has lead to a major shortage of skilled staff and the years of low or no activity in bringing on new talent to the industry is coming back to haunt us.  Acknowledging that it is not simple to suddenly find extra staff with the right skills and the right attitudes, just what can you do to maximise the chances of your hunting success?  Here are six tips that may help.

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If you need to calculate how much to MARK-UP your direct job costs in order to hit a target job gross MARGIN, then the one-page cheat sheet will save you the bother of figuring that out.  For example, in order to achieve a GROSS MARGIN (PROFIT) of 20%, you need to MARK-UP your direct costs by an average of 25%.

Exactly how to price your jobs is a bit more complex than this guide can provide you, so contact us and we can discuss your situation and the best way to achieve your desired profit levels.

Click on the image to download the guide.