missing jigsaw piece

What does the future hold for your business?

In 1998, Kodak had 170,000 employees and sold 85% of all photo paper worldwide. Within just a few years, their business model disappeared and they were bankrupt. What happened to Kodak will happen in a lot of industries in the next 10 years – and most people don’t see it coming.
How will you look to adapt your business to take advantage of the opportunities that will come up?

Future-proof Your Business

The Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment has just released it’s 3rd Construction Pipeline report for the next five years in New Zealand.  Have you read it and considered what it means for your company? There is no doubt that the value of construction is set to stay at high levels over the next few…

Are You a Busy Fool?

It is normal to have to work hard and put in the hours when starting out on your business ownership journey.  What is often also normal, but unnecessary, is for the long hours to continue after years of business ownership.  It almost becomes a habit.  One becomes conditioned to long hours in the office at…

Post-It notes on a board

The 2 cent Action Plan Tool

Business Plan by Post-it Note Business plans are a good thing thing to do for your business, but the majority end up to be just a bunch of wishes and dreams because they lack the most important ingredient; ACTION. Here is something that costs 2 cents and will help you put your plan into action:…

Longer Hours = Less Productivity

Research out of Stamford University earlier this year showed that productivity declines quickly after working for more than 50 hours per week and declines even faster after the 55 hour mark. I suspect that they just tested office workers in big companies, rather than owners of small businesses.  Long hours seem to come with the…

A Problem Shared

This month I started another semi-group “coaching” program for 2015, called the Construction Business MasterClass, at my office in Albany. Participants are into the first “Your Foundations” diagnostic phase and already seeing the benefits of coming on-board. I knew from my experience that participants would receive tremendous value in the 3-way analysis that is conducted on…

Don’t Drop The Baton

Running a trade business (or any business for that matter) can be likened to running a 4 x 100m relay race.  When everything runs smoothly and the baton is passed from hand-to-hand seamlessly, it is a pleasure to behold.  Drop the baton at some critical stage and all the good work done to date is…